Taras 2k23
National Level Technical Symposium
Round 1 Participants can mail the paper in IEEE format not exceeding five pages in word and pdf format
Internal- tarasinternalpop@gmail.com
External- tarasexternalpop@gmail.com
Last date for submission : 30.10.2023
Notification of acceptance : 02.11.2023
Offline presentation of round-1 for shortlisted participants on 04.11.2023
Presentation - 6 mins & Query - 2 mins
Panel members decision is final.
Registration fee : Rs 100 (External)
Round 1 will be held on slots with ten teams per slot . 20 questions will be asked. For Each questions time various with respect to the difficulty of the question.Top 2 teams will pass to second round.
10 questions will be asked. For Each questions time various with respect to the difficulty of the question.Based on the points Winner and runner up will be decided.
Registration fee: Rs 100 (External)
In this round, pictures will be displayed. From which the competitors should find the answer. All the words given will be related to technical. It will be common to all departments.
Think you know your brands inside out? Put your expertise to the test and become the ultimate Brand Detective!
This will be a time limited round.
Visual descriptives will be provided.
In this round, everyone will be divided into a team of two. One member to stand in the box and the other to roll the dice the questions for the teams will be disclosed in a UNO card . After every successful answer the team gets forward to the next box and they will be handed a circuit diagram which they have to acquire the parts by getting right answers and moving forward. The team with the highest number of components at the end reaches the next round.
The 2nd round will be played with same set of rules and protocols with the winners of the first round.
Venue: SRM VEC New building
Registration fee : Rs 100 (External)
15 questions will be asked. For answering each questions, 30 seconds will be provided. Based on the points , 10 teams will be promoted to the next round.
10 questions will be asked. For Each questions 25 seconds will be provided. Again based on the points, 5 teams will be promoted to the final round.
5 questions will be asked and 20 seconds will be provided to answer the questions. Based on the points Winner and runner up will be decided.